Take One or Both
Located in one of Southeast Melbourne’s newest industrial precincts, Industrial Circuit runs off Gwen Road and is less than 1km from Thompsons Road.
Two (2) brand new office/warehouses available for lease. Take one or both.
Key features include:
* Total building area: 336sqm* (each)
* Inclusive of a 68sqm* airconditioned first floor office
* Amenities with kitchenette
* Warehouse height up to 8m*
* Motorised roller door 5.5m* high
* 5 carparks (each)
* Fully fenced with motorised gate
* No body corporate
* Available now
For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact
James Dodge or Thomas Gordon
* All information and measurements are approximates. All images subject to copyright. Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited.