Shop 4/19 Shaxton Circle, Frankston

Nichols Crowder


Wednesday, 1st July 2020

Totally Refurbished Shop/Office

Yes, brand sparkling new. This beautiful shop has been totally refurbished.

Situated in the ever popular group of businesses at Shaxton Circle, in the centre of the strip, and next to picturesque Shaxton Reserve Lake.

Key features include:

* New floor tiles
* New ceiling and LED lighting
* New air conditioner
* New kitchenette and hws
* New wc suite
* Plus car parking front and rear

For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact:

Linda Ellis – 0400 480 397
David Olding – 0408 358 891

NB: All areas and measurements are approximate. All prices are plus GST, unless otherwise stated. All images and renders are subject to copyright.

*Denotes Approx.