813 Nepean Highway, Bentleigh

Nichols Crowder


Thursday, 15th June 2017

High Profile Shop / Showroom

This high profile retail shop / showroom is located on the homeward bound side of Nepean Highway and close to Patterson Road intersection.

The property features the following key benefits:

* Newly refurbished showroom: 150sqm (approx.)
* New kitchenette facility
* Separate male and female amenities (refurbished)
* Open plan accommodation
* Rear lane way access
* Great exposure to Bayside’s busiest road – brand you business 24/7
* Join high profile retailers: Beaurepaires, 99 Bikes, Renault, Kawasaki and Honda in this premium location

Rarely does a property of this calibre and so affordable hit the market in this location. With over 65,000 cars passing daily, your business will be sure to enjoy the exposure.

For further information, contact:

JULIAN VAUTIN – 0420 406 660

NB: All areas and measurements are approximate. All prices are plus GST, unless otherwise stated.