52 Frankston Gardens Drive, Carrum Downs

Nichols Crowder


Wednesday, 11th September 2024

Frankston Gardens Drive Frontage

Street frontage office/warehouse available for lease.

Fitted with a large double storey office, this property would suit multiple uses.

Key features include:

* Total building area 340sqm*
* Inclusive of a double story air conditioned office of 100sqm*
* Clear span warehouse with motorised roller door
* Male and female amenities
* Lunchroom
* Three (3) phase power
* Plenty of onsite car parking
* Outgoings approx. $7,500 p.a.
* Available two weeks from application

Fronting onto the very popular “Frankston Gardens Drive” which runs between Frankston-Dandenong Road and Lathams Road.

For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact the listing agent.


* All information and measurements are approximates. Please refer to Contract of Sale and/or Lease documentation. All images subject to copyright.

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