Impeccable Warehouse Refurbishment
Nichols Crowder in conjunction with Tsimos Commercial are delighted to offer an extensively refurbished and modernised warehouse for Auction.
Buyers take note – this is one of the best warehouse refurbishments you will find.
This property rivals and exceeds some brand new warehouses. The attention to detail, premium office and high class amenities will provide a warm and modern environment for your business.
Perfectly located just off Boundary Road, moments from City Link, Peninsula Link and the Mordialloc Fwy / Dingley Bypass.
Key features include:
* Total land area: 915sqm*
* Total building area: 550sqm*
* Impeccable finish on flooring and all fixtures and fittings
* Quality male & female bathroom fit out with shower
* Open plan kitchenette
* Great natural light & LED lighting
* Container height electric RSD & side access RSD
* Ample and well laid out parking for 9 (nine) cars or equipment
* Brilliant street and driveway truck and container access
* New secure steel fencing with remote control sliding gate
* Manicured front garden beds
* Rear lock up shed for additional storage
This property is impressive and well throughout, and inspection will impress.
The property will be open at 11.30am on Thursday 16th March, followed by the Auction at 12noon.
For further details, please contact:
Andrew Pannam 0433 518 555
Matt Brown 0418 599 486
John Black 0419 341 986
* All information and measurements are approximates. Please refer to Contract of Sale and/or Lease documentation. All images subject to copyright. Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited.