Nearing Completion
Currently under construction, Brand new office/warehouse located just off Clifton Grove. Only meters from Major Arterials such as Peninsula Link & Eastlink! Both Stages 1 & 2 have sold out with Stage 3 already 50% Sold.
Key Features include:
* Total building size: 604sqm*
* Inclusive of a 46sqm* Air conditioned office
* Warehouse height up to 8.5m*
* Motorised roller door 5.5m* High
* Rear roller with yard 52sqm*
* 9 Carparks on title
* Complex fully fenced with motorised gate
* Due for completion October 2020
For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact:
James Dodge – 0488 586 896
Josh Monks – 0409 335 179
* All information and measurements are approximates. Please refer to Contract of Sale and/or Lease documentation. All images subject to copyright.
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