20 Buontempo Road, Carrum Downs


Monday, 13th November 2023

Brand New on Buontempo

Currently under construction 20 & 22 Buontempo Road will impress. Both warehouses will be on their own title with no body corporate.

Conveniently located on Buontempo Road which runs off Colemans Road. Close proximity to major arterials such as Peninsula Link & Eastlink. The area will be further enhanced by the widening of Colemans Road & Hall Road which is due for completion shortly.

Key features includes:

* Total building area: 675sqm* – 1,350sqm*
* Inclusive of a double story office of 158sqm* per property
* Each warehouse has 10 carparks*
* Warehouse heights up to 8.8m*
* Motorized roller doors 5m* High
* Male & Female Amenities
* Each with there own driveway which is fully fenced with a motorised gate
* Available from 1/12/2023

For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact:

James Dodge
Josh Monks


* All information and measurements are approximates. Please refer to Contract of Sale and/or Lease documentation. All images subject to copyright. Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited.

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