High Clearance Warehouse
Located just off Wickham Road in the heart of Moorabbin, this is your chance to secure a classic open plan warehouse with great internal height!
With a functional office, plus kitchenette and private amenities, it’s as simple as moving in and enjoying the space.
Key attributes include:
* Total building area: 225sqm*
* Warehouse area: 215sqm*
* Office area: 10sqm*
* Open floor plan
* High internal clearance (up to 6m*)
* Roller door access (3.6m* wide x 4.2m* high)
For further details and inspections contact:
Darryl Lever 0423 044 805
* Inspections are carried out in accordance with strict Covid-19 Directions. For further details contact the Estate Agent.
* All information and measurements are approximates. All images subject to copyright. Unauthorised use is strictly prohibited.