2/26 Virginia Street, Mornington

Nichols Crowder


Friday, 5th July 2019

Virginia's Corporate Office & Warehouse

This corporate warehouse is being offered for lease by well renowned Cahill Building Group.

The front facade and a corporate style double office will enhance any businesses image.

Features include:

* Rear roller door with a small yard
* Suspended ceilings in the office areas
* Carpeted offices upstairs
* Led Highbay and Led Downlights
* 4 carparks onsite plus parking
* Heating and cooling in the office areas
* Security fenced and electric gates
* Ground floor showroom with a polished concrete floor
* Data cabling and security system
* Easy access to Mornington Tyabb Road and Nepean Highway

For further details please contact Tom Crowder, Tanya Scagliarini or Jamie Stuart.

NB: All areas and measurements are approximate. All prices are plus GST, unless otherwise stated. All images and renders are subject to copyright.

*Denotes Approx.