Warehouse with Yard
Stage 1 = Sold
Stage 2 = Currently under construction
Nine (9) new warehouses ranging in size from 150sqm* – 655sqm*
Situated in Clifton Grove which runs off Boundary Road and within a few kilometres of major arterials including EastLink, Peninsula Link, Frankston Freeway and Frankston-Dandenong Road.
Construction is being completed by an experienced commercial builder.
Key features include:
* Industrial 1 Zoning
* All units come with rear yards randing from 49sqm* – 97sqm*
* Front & rear roller doors
* Clear span warehouses 8m* in height
* 3 phase power
* Ample on site parking available
* Thoughtfully designed with 9m* wide driveways
* Wide range of sizes to suit owner occupiers and investors alike
Construction has commenced with estimated completition due March 2020.
For a copy of the building plans & price list, please contact one of the below agents:
James Dodge – 0409 335 179
Joshua Monks – 0488 586 896
* All information and measurements are approximates. Please refer to Contract of Sale and/or Lease documentation. All images subject to copyright.
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